Beef Heart and Tongue Tacos Recipe

Beef Tongue is a cut of beefiness many people aren't willing to try, but when they exercise, they are amazed at how flavorful and tender it is.


What do yous remember of when you lot hear the phrase beef tongue?

Do you recall of a cut of beef that you lot want to cook and eat? Or, does information technology make you squeamish?

Whenever we sell a quarter, half or whole beef, nosotros ask customers if they want any of the offal or "one-per-cow parts"  like cow tongue, middle, liver or kidney. Many say "yes" and so they quickly ask, "but how practice you cook it?"  We similar to reply this question with firsthand experience. That'southward where this recipe comes in.

At that place are some very popular dishes featuring cow tongue like  pickled beefiness tongue and Beefiness Tacos de Lengua. With Lengua tacos, the meat is either cooked down into tender shreds or coarsely chopped before being thrown into a tortilla.  When information technology'due south cooked, you get a slice of meat that has a rich bulky season, buttery texture.

Leap to:
  • How to cook beef tongue
  • Where to purchase
  • What does raw cow tongue look like?
  • Leftovers
  • Nutrition
  • Gustatory modality
  • Beefiness Tongue Tacos (Beef Tacos de Lengua)
  • Other Offal Recipes

How to cook beef natural language

The most important thing to proceed in mind when cooking cow natural language is that information technology's a well-used muscle. As nosotros've discussed in other post well-nigh cuts of beef, well-used muscles on beef cattle are initially tough merely they're very flavorful.

With tongue (and other cuts from well-used muscles, similar brisket), you take to cook them for a long time over low heat for it to become tender. When you do, you will get melt-in-your-mouth beef that is extremely tasty.

Where to buy

If you buy a quarter or one-half beef from our subcontract y'all'll get the option of the tongue. Since in that location's but one tongue on every cow, it'southward first-come-first serve with others yous're cow-pooling with. If y'all order a whole beef, you'll become the natural language unless you specifically say you don't want it.

If y'all're outside of the St. Louis area and can't order from united states of america, it'south commonly constitute at local butcher shops or Mexican grocery stores.

What does raw moo-cow tongue expect like?

The skin color of a cow'south natural language is based upon a moo-cow's breed.  Angus cattle accept black tongues. Nosotros're an Angus-based subcontract, so our cattle have black tongues.

Comparatively, Holstein cattle (dairy cattle) possess a factor that causes white patches in the coat and pinkish colored tongues.


When preparing natural language, you'll eat the tongue meat, which is the meat underneath the skin and taste buds.  To get to the tongue meat, you'll simmer the tongue with spices for 3-iv hours.  So, you can easily peel off the skin. It's a tough peel, and peeling information technology is somewhat like to peeling an orange.

At that place'south also a rough patch of meat where the tongue connects to the mouth.  This part of the tongue has a unlike texture, so we remove it too after cooking the meat. However, it is edible.

beef tongue


You can go on cooked leftovers in the fridge, in a sealed container, for 3-4 days. You can apply them cold on a sandwich or salad, if desired.


Cow tongue has is chalk-full of protein, besides as zinc, iron, and vitamin B12.


Believe it or not, beef tongue tastes similar to other cuts of beef. It has a milder flavor and is a fattier cut of meat.


Beef Tongue Tacos (Beef Tacos de Lengua)

Prep Time 15 mins

Cook Fourth dimension four hrs

Course Main Course

Cuisine Mexican

  • 1 Beef Natural language
  • ane Onion, roughly chopped
  • v cloves Garlic, peeled and crushed
  • iii Tbsp Common salt
  • 1 Tbsp Black Peppercorn
  • 1 Jalapeno Pepper, stemmed (optional)
  • 2-3 Bay Leaves


  • Corn Tortillas
  • Onion, chopped
  • Avocado
  • Cilantro
  • Place beef tongue in a big stock pot. Add together onions, garlic, common salt, peppercorn, bay leaves and jalapeno pepper. Cover with water. Bring to eddy. Then, reduce to simmer, cover and melt for 4 hours until tongue is tender

  • Remove beef natural language from water and allow to cool

  • Peel off the tough outer peel using your fingers or a small sharp knife.

  • Remove patch of meat where natural language would connect to mouth.

  • Piece tongue (approximately one/iv inch slices)

  • Heat vegetable oil in large skillet on medium-high estrus. Saute the tongue slices until they are lightly browned on both sides.

  • Remove from skillet, and dice beef into small cubes. Alternatively, you tin shred the beef using two forks.

  • Brand the tacos by placing a large spoonful of beef in each corn tortilla. Add together other desired toppings like avocado, onion and cilantro.

Other Offal Recipes

  • Pickled Beef Tongue
  • Bootleg Beef Bone Broth (crock pot)
  • four-Ingredient Beefiness Os Broth (stove top)
  • Oxtail Stew
  • Liver & Onions (two variations)
  • How to Eat Liver (Even if you hate it)

Kitchen Products We Love

  • Instant Read Meat Thermometer
  • Stock Pot
  • Cast Fe Skillet

I More Thing!

Practice you desire to learn more nearly beef? Join our weekly e-newsletter where nosotros share farm happenings, recipes and beef availability. Sign-upward and get a cheat canvas with 9-must-enquire questions before buying beef directly from a farmer. Or, we accept an entire ebook about beefiness that goes through purchasing and preparing beef from a cattle farmers perspective.

Here are a few other links you may like:

  • What everybody ought to know about beef cuts
  • Buying a Cow. How Much Beef Is Information technology?
  • 7 Steps to Grilling a Steak to Perfection
  • What Practise Cows Consume
  • Easy Beef Brisket Recipe (oven-roasted)
  • The Best Subcontract Books for Kids

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