A Quarter of a Squirrel Would Only Raise My Appetite Without Having Enough to Bed It Back Down Again

Pet Monkey Care Tips

Caring for a baby monkey is not rocket science only information technology does crave A LOT of time, patience, and delivery. I volition endeavor as all-time I can to draw my feel raising a baby monkey. If anyone has additional information they think I should add, please experience complimentary to send me an email.

As I have mentioned, I got Joey when he was one month one-time. He probably weighed .5-.75lbs. He had tiny little teeth and he was not that active. He liked to stay on his stuffed behave, or on me. His locomotory was non quite fully developed yet. Much like a human babe, he would, for case, try to grab something in front of him and not reach far enough to grab it. He probably learned to catch objects precisely at about two months of historic period.


I began diapering Joey from the first day I got him. Since he was so small, I had to improvise. I bought those minor babe towels that are well-nigh 5 inches x 5 inches, and cut a panty liner in half. I folded the picayune towel towards the middle on the right and left side, so put the liner in the eye. I would and then slide information technology under, unfold the 2 upper flaps under him & the lower corners under him. I would then connect all four flaps on his dorsum and would utilise a bobby pin to hold it all together. (encounter pictures below for amend idea. I know it sounds a piddling disruptive.) I always kept Joey on his bear when diapering him. I did not take hold of his so that I would non stress him out.

Step ane: Take hold of pocket-sized baby towel.

Pace two: Fold i side towards center, then other side.

Stride iii: Place half of panty liner, sticky side down, in middle of folded towel.

Footstep 4: Pull together 2 tabs nether monkey around back, and then two tabs over, placing tail in the middle of the 2 tabs that fold over.

Step v: Pin all tabs together

Joey with towel/panty-liner diaper.

I began using preemie diapers when he was about a month and a one-half. Those are much easier. I simply cut a pigsty in the front end of the diaper, skid his tail through, and so I concur his legs and slip the diaper nether, unstick the tab and wrap them around his dorsum.(Remember on monkeys diapers go along backwards so they tin't take them off.)


Monkey Biscuits are essential to having a healthy primate. The sooner 1 begins feeding the monkey biscuits the better your monkey will consume them equally an adult. I began putting chopped biscuits in Joey's milk at about ane 1/2 months. I gradually fabricated the consistency of the baby formula, rice cereal, and biscuits thicker. I added more than and more biscuits, and less rice cereal/formula each week or so. I also began giving him other solid foods. Past v months Joey was eating solely solid foods, relieve a forenoon canteen because he loved it.

The formula used for baby monkeys is human baby formula. I used the i that is for babies with allergies, soy formula with iron, because it was what the breeder recommended I use. There are controversies with using the ones with soy. They say the soy creates some kind of chemic imbalance in their brain which may lead to aggression as adults. Others say it does nada. You could just use one that is soy gratuitous, and not have to worry. Some say a adept alternative to formula is goat's milk. I believe its less strong than cow milk or something. Experts recommend weaning monkeys off of their bottles by 9-12 months for the medium sized monkeys. The smaller species such as Squirrels, Marmosets and Tamarins, at five-vi months. Prolonging the formula canteen (high simple sugar) longer than the 9-12 months increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes much later in life - the association is not often fabricated and then. What some owners practice is give the bottle with ground monkey grub and h2o. Most monkeys LOVE the bottle, like babies, and wont come up off until yous make them. You take to be stiff for their own skillful. It is easier, faster, and sweeter than anything else and they volition prefer information technology forever. At that place are lots of ways to wean, so practise what you feel is best for your monkey. You can start leaving off one bottle now, so another, etc. You tin can also give less formula in each bottle and dilute it down. Merely first now and gradually wean both volume and frequency.

BOTTLE FEEDING INFANTS- When canteen feeding a baby monkey NEVER put them on their dorsum every bit you lot would a human being babe. This tin can pb to choking and death. Always feed them on their stomach, tilted upwards slightly.

Primate Nutrition from The Merck Veterinarian Manual for your reference.
Diet Course to be filled out when leaving someone responsible for your animals in your absence.

I also microwave diverse vegetables to soften them upwards to. I feed my monkeys mostly carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and celery. Equally for the fruits I give them grapes, raisins, and pieces of apples, pears, mango, watermelon, cantaloupe, kiwi. I limit these quantities. To much fruits can give them the runs. On occasion a boiled egg between my two, pasta (ane-ii noodles each, no sauce or spices, just boiled in water), or whole wheat cereal.

Equally a care for I give them meal worms, and crickets. A spider web site reader too suggested wax worms, although I take non tried those nevertheless. Below is suggested diet for Spider Monkeys. The protein requirements of capuchin (Cebus) monkeys is college than that of spider (Ateles) monkeys and the protein requirements of squirrel monkeys somewhere in between. Therefore, the amount of egg or equivalent corporeality of cooked protein should be doubled in the morning time and evening feedings and the total food intake decreased co-ordinate to the lower body weights of capuchin & Squirrel monkeys. (Diet below is for spiders, and so the protein for capuchin is higher, and that of squirrel in the middle between capuchin and Spiders).

In the wild a spider monkey�s nutrition include primarily fruits supplemented by leaves � they don�t get much sugar or fats. vegetables (cabbage, kale, spinach, cooked carrot and sweet murphy, etc.), and leaves (Eugenia, hibiscus, mulberry, maple, etc. can exist fed in the U.S.) The amounts of food to feed depend upon body weight and metabolic rate. In that location is no fixed amount that can exist given. Information technology varies betwixt individual animals equally well equally their surroundings. Two feedings a day should exist offered on a weight reduction programme. Vegetables: lettuce, spinach, cabbage, corn, carrot, etc. These herbivores feed primarily on young leaf shoots, flowers, and fruits. A nutrition that can exist basically described as being loftier in bulk, but low in energy. Large amounts of leafy vegetables and browse should be offered through the mean solar day, and particularly during the critical phase of acclimation. Foods with high caloric values may, at least initially, be hard for them to utilise, and cause digestive problems and diarrhea. Recommended scan species include rose, blackberry, mulberry, sugariness murphy vines, bamboo, hibiscus blossoms. In common cold climates, browse may exist cutting and frozen for use during the winter. Boosted greenish vegetables are green beans, Chinese cabbage, kale, and spinach. Other nutrient items include assistant, plantain, hard-boiled eggs (in very moderate amounts), staff of life, sweetness potato, cooked rice, carrot, and just a few mealworm larva or crickets

Spider Monkey Morning Meal:
3 slices of banana � inch thick
three asparagus spears
2 TBS diced orangish
One half cup of cut green beans
ane/4 difficult-boiled egg with vanquish (cutting up, maximum)
1 TBS corn (thawed frozen or fresh)
v peanuts
ane TBS sunflower seeds
i heaping TBS avocado
A few sprigs of parsley one heaping TBS black-eyed peas (shelled)
i/2 slice turnip
1/2 slice whole wheat bread cubed

Spider Monkey Afternoon Repast:
1 quarter piece of whole wheat bread
One quarter apple
3 slices of assistant � one half inch thick
3 asparagus spears
5 grapes halfed
2 TBS diced orange
1/2 small sweetness potato (chopped)
1 ane/ii TBS lettuce mix* (Romaine, cabbage, & celery)
viii peanuts
ane TBS sunflower seeds
six" piece of carrot � chopped
4 snowfall peas

Occasional crickets or mealworms as a treat. Some spider monkeys similar meal worms and crickets, some don�t. Offer teaspoon-sized portions. Minimize intake of human sweets, dessert foods, milk products, carbohydrates and fats. It is OK to give the monkey i man children's vitamin tablet two - three times a calendar week instead of the liquid pediatric multivitamin supplement. Avoid foods which have been enriched with atomic number 26 such as fortified cereals. Other treats occasionally: soaked raisins, other types of fruit - portion of care for/mean solar day should be less than 1 teaspoon in volume. Lettuce mix ingredients are placed in a chopper and mixed. Apply long and sparse pieces.

Always recall portion size in proportion to your monkey'due south size. A treat should be well-nigh the size of their hand. Monkeys will eat as long as you lot give them foods they like...even if non hungry. Remember of yourself and what is considered a decent size snack for you. A snickers bar is ok for you lot, but Not ok for a monkey as they are MUCH smaller than us. Especially the smaller species.

Another big problem with capuchins and larger monkeys is keeping them with a fresh supply of h2o. I hear many complaints of monkeys who empty out the conventional h2o bottles in minutes, or take apart water fountains put within of the cage for fun. An excellent method I found to exist used with keen success is the following. They brought a waterline to the outdoor cage, and clamped the plastic pvc piping to the outside of the muzzle. They attached a nozzle (can be purchased at most hardware stores) which only releases water when the primate moves the nozzle.


Both monkeys slumber in my room at night. I take separate sleeping cages for them (see pictures below). I take a large sheet I throw over the cage so that they can sleep fifty-fifty though the lights are on. I too have the two cages on superlative of a big carpeting to keep the area make clean. I am afraid of leaving them outside at night, and I think they would be nervous equally well. Both Joey and Sofie slumber the entire night. I endeavour to have them in bed by 9:00-nine:xxx pm, and I wake them up around 8:thirty-9:00AM.


Before y'all go to a vet make an index card for each monkey, date the card, and leave a bare space to fill in weight, measurements, and other pertinent information. Write down what you would like to discuss with your vet during your visit (file nails, check teeth, etc) plus make notation of any vaccinations, blood work and TB tests. Another important tidbit: Have the vet jot down what tranquilizer was used and the amount used. IN instance of an emergency where your vet is unable y'all will take the information ready of the vet that is able to see your monkey. One of her monkeys takes much less to knock out, and information technology helps to remind them of what they used before & how the monkey responded. After the visit the bill of fare goes into that monkeys folder for future references.

Vet Form Courtesy of UAPPEAL
Pet Guardian Grade Courtesy of UAPPEAL- The Pet Guardian form is to assign a caregiver in the case that you are no longer able to care for your animals. Be sure that the person you are assigning has accepted the responisblity of caring for your animals in your absence. Any possessor of exotic/hard to place species should have a person in mind, which would take this on. One never knows what life may throw at united states. Being prepared and thinking ahead is an essential office of responisble ownership.


Capuchin sized monkeys and larger are very smart. Many of them figure out how to remove their collars and leashes. Below are some pictures to give you ideas other owners used to keep their leashes on.

Owners used a combination of the O-ring (eternity primal concatenation rings that tin be bought at any Wal-mart or arts and Crafts store, or taken from one-time central chains), small locks, and the leash without the clip. Collar and ternion pictures courtesy of Simian Club of America.

If you are taking in a new monkey that is an developed who wasn't handled, information technology is a skillful thought to use a collar around the waste with a small-scale lead tied to information technology. When you need to proceeds control of the monkey you just catch the short lead, and non the monkeys tail. This will make the monkey less threatened past you. Use this method until you have gained the monkeys trust and information technology allows you to control him/her using their tail. All this is a process which takes time. Don't force yourself on the monkey.

Notice the lead has a pocket-size loop on the end. I fabricated information technology so that you can just take hold of the lead and attach a ternion to it easily, without having to hold the monkey down to attach the ternion directly on the collar. This equals less stress on the primate and yourself. Effort to detect a string that is sufficiently strong, and non to flimsy. I usually use the strings that come up on shopping bags. Don't get in likewise long where it can become tangled in stuff in the cage. Also brand sure yous there are no hooks, etc, that the loop tin can go stuck on.

Below is a motion-picture show of a lock out box. A similar box tin exist attached to the cage where it is accesible class the outside so that a monkey can be contained and locked in the box while cage is existence cleaned. Treats or foraging boards should exist affixed to the outside of the box for entertainment while inside.


This is advice regarding animals (dogs, cats, monkeys, etc) that are known to you and have not been exposed to rabies or other viruses.

A wound should exist washed/cleaned with clean water and soap IMMEDIATELY after any seize with teeth. The idea is to remove as much dirt and saliva�and therefore, leaner�equally possible. It may hurt to scrub a wound, merely an infection will hurt a lot more than. Always launder with lather and water first. Then a disinfectant, such equally iodine, applied to the wound to further clean and kill whatever bacteria. I recommend Betadine (its Povidone-Iodine). That is what hospitals use to make clean wounds, and prepare skin for surgery. By this way most bacteria volition exist killed. If it is a superficial bite, such every bit a scratch, non much else is needed. A band-assist will exist plenty. Neosporin optional.

In that location are different types of animal bites. Some are more superficial, and others such as cat bites, although expect like nothing can be slightly more serious because they are puncture wounds. Puncture wounds should follow the same cleaning protocol as above.

Dog bites typically crusade a crushing-type wound because of their rounded teeth and strong jaws. An developed dog can exert 200 pounds per square inch (psi) of force per unit area, with some large dogs able to exert 450 psi. Such extreme pressure may damage deeper structures such as basic, vessels, tendons, musculus, and fretfulness.

The precipitous pointed teeth of cats commonly cause puncture wounds and lacerations that may inoculate bacteria into deep tissues. Infections caused by true cat bites generally develop faster than those of dogs.

For larger bites: Animal bites are not ordinarily given stitches due to risk of infection subsequently closing if not all bacteria is killed. If the wound is a big bite (haemorrhage, mayhap needing stitches) make clean the wound 2-iii times daily with lather and water, betadine, and utilize Neosporin before bandaging. Using sterile bandages to clean the area is wise. Then apply Neosporin (after betadine has dried), and cover with a sterile bandage and medical tape. Butterfly stitches may also be used if needed. Exist certain to continue the wound free from dirt and other particles which may atomic number 82 to infection subsequently. Its not so much the bite from an beast, only what may go far at that place afterwards. In general, the amend the vascular supply and the easier the wound is to clean (ie, laceration vs puncture), the lower the run a risk of infection. If a bite wound involves the hand, consider immobilizing in a bulky dressing or splint to limit use and promote elevation (i.e. keeping above the heart).

Possible reactions: If an creature seize with teeth is more than simply a scratch or superficial bite, such as in puncture wounds, the area around the seize with teeth site may swell. A trauma to the body elicits a reaction. In the case of a bite, swelling of surrounding areas is a sign of 2 possible things: 1. That your body has begun the healing process. The surface area may also feel warm to the touch. 2. Prolonged swelling and oozing pus may also be a sign of infection. Watching for signs of infection (pus, white areas, and extreme redness) is important. Depending on the bite swelling should begin to subside subsequently 3-4 days. If area is swollen and has pus, taking an oral antibiotic may be necessary. Exist sure not to misfile fatty tissue for pus. If visiting a doc, excess fatty tissue around bite may be removed. Basically, swelling is not necessairly a cause for alarm if the wound is kept clean.

If the person bitten works in construction or around clay a tetanus shot would exist wise. Tetanus is found in clay, and if dirt particles enter the wound it may pb to infection.

If the wound is deep/large information technology may require an antibiotic. The well-nigh common given for beast bites is Amoxicillin. Antibiotics should exist taken if 1 believes the take a chance of infection is high, and the entire prescription is completed in the dosage required. The missing of one mean solar day of capsules may return the previous days null, and require dosage to exist begun again. Antibiotics may brainstorm to loose effectiveness if taken oftentimes. Besides of note in women: Antibiotics disrupt the natural flora of individual areas and may lead to infection (such as yeast infection). Because of this, women should take antibiotics only when truly needed.

If one is bitten by an fauna which could possibly take been exposed to rabies, such every bit a stray cat or dog, the cleaning procedure in a higher place should be followed as well as a series of rabies post-exposure (rabies prophylaxis) shots administered by a health intendance professional person. A tetanus shot is also recommended.

Have any questions/comments, click on the link to contact me. Send me an E-mail!


Source: http://www.petmonkeyinfo.com/monkeycare.html

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